Las Vegas Perks are a Pig in a Poke. Don’t be Fooled.
Las Vegas residents usually have more sense than to hit up the casinos. Not just on The Las Vegas Strip, the “local” ones too. Las Vegas perks originated with the comps gamblers got in relation to their rate of play in the casino. About twenty years ago – before I moved to Las Vegas – I’d get free room comps from all the big players; The Mirage, The Venetian, etc. Upon arrival i’d hit the tables, rack up free meals at all the best restaurants, have show tickets sent to my room and all the rest just for my piddly play. These days when I hit the blackjack table, seldom as I do, I start out with more on the table than I’d lose in a whole weekend. My rated play these days must be 10X what it was yet getting comped a free dinner at a superior restaurant or a pair of show tickets became a pathetic process.
That’s because the math doesn’t work thanks to the house advantage in every game. I’m not going to run the numbers but suffice to say when I want to enjoy a gourmet meal and a world class show I pay my own way rather than risk losing money to bad luck or fooling with fickle fate to beat the odds to sing for my supper. Las Vegas perks just aren’t worth it.
Take it from me – a delicious dinner tastes better when you pick up the check as opposed to wasting time with a casino host who decides if yew jumped through enough gambling hoops in terms of how many hours you gambled and how much money you put at risk minute by minute.. They use the euphemism “play” instead of the word gamble to somehow redefine reality or otherwise misdirect one’s perception of what’s really going on.
Thanks but no thanks.
Las Vegas perks don’t stop at casinos; they’re all over southern Nevada and across America. Do you use the Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks app to order your drinks and track your rewards? Do you enjoy pizza from one of the big chains and rack up points for free food? If you are then you’re in the same boat as the casino people in the sense that you are putting out lots of money for a little reward once in a while. Read all about it.
You want to enjoy a nice cup of Starbucks coffee and save money? Make your own and your cost for a tall (small) cup is about $1 – not $4 at the store.
I love pizza as much as the next guy. Thanks to a Wolfgang Puck recipe I make my own gourmet pizza that I’ll put up against any restaurant pizza at a fraction of what they charge. If you’re in a hurry AND on a budget you can enjoy really good frozen pizza from Amy’s, Newman’s, Digiorno, etc. for about $10 and in about 15 minutes flat from the oven to the table. If you want to be Frugal with a capital F you can pick up a box of FOUR plain cheese pizzas at Costco under their Kirkland brand for a “whopping” $13.99. The price difference, the delivery charge/tip and the sales tax is all money saved.